Health & Fitness Journal

Work at Home- The New Normal

What Looks interesting and easy in the beginning turns out to be the most difficult and stressful task now.

The covid pandemic has brought a new normal in the lives of many worldwide. The concept of ‘Work at Home’ was once considered a luxury or a privilege or a kind of motivation, where we would sleep late at night before watching our favorite web series or show. Then wake up late in the morning, enjoy two-three cups of tea/coffee in the morning, cook something good for ourselves, talk to relatives, and friends and play with kids at home.  Everyone had their own ways to enjoy working at Home.

During the lunch break, I would go to the nearby grocery shop for a puff and do some shopping for a home. And the family would keep feeding me my favourite refreshments.  Also, they would make sure that I don’t get disturbed because of multiple activities happening at home.

Ha Ha Ha !!! Gone are those days.

& Now, Now what?

Let us not discuss and blame anyone for the crazy work lifestyle we are in. This is the new normal and one has to accept, adapt and move forward with the challenges

The important question is :

How to Make Work at Home More Interesting?

How to Get Rid of Stress During Work At Home?

We did thorough research, met, and spoke to many people from different job/work/industry backgrounds doing work at home to find out the challenges of working at home and the solutions.

Work, execution, deadline, and targets differ from Job to Job. Every job has its own level of challenges but in general, they are mostly the same which are as follows:-

  1. Life becomes monotonous.
  2. Have to deal with the Home environment and work pressure simultaneously.
  3. Work Culture is missing.
  4. It has become a 24×7 job now.
  5. It is a stressful way of working.
  6. Extra weight Gain.
  7. Lethargic lifestyle.

We at Ashwa Pro come from a sports and fitness background so don’t expect this article to address a solution to many of the issues mentioned above. But definitely, we can advise you on some of the great ways to make your work-at-home experience interestingly good.

Power Nap of at least 45 minutes to 1 hour in the afternoon or after Lunch – Studies say that one hour of sleep reenergizes you for the next 8 hours and it’s 100% True. Some may find it difficult at once but try it for a few days and see the results.

Eat 10 times a day– You are at home, in your comfort zone. Recall the school and college days when we all would study the whole night with concentration. And whenever we would feel sleepy we would make tea or eat something. Such a short refreshment break would help us to study for another hour.

Now try to do the same thing and make a good diet plan for a week, where you plan your ten refreshment breaks during your office hours. Apart from your breakfast and lunch, the refreshment should not be heavy/oily/ High Protein/ High carbs/ Tart Fruits/ Added sweet/ salty things.

It does sound funny to many who sometimes get so much busy with work that they miss/skip their lunch, But the fact is that such frequent short refreshments were not possible when you worked in an office. Adopt the new normal life, now it is an everyday thing. You are working from home, no one is watching what you are eating, how you are eating, and when you are eating.  You are doing it for your mental and physical health which will give you higher productivity in the end.

Stress Relief Therapy-  Exercise for 10 Minutes 5 times a day

No Hard Exercises are Recommended – It is important to do 10-15 minutes of warm-up before you do any exercise. So let’s not talk about weight lifting or exercise on gym machines.

Let’s make it simple – The best exercise you can do during your working hours at home are:-

  1. Clapping 400 times or for 5 -8 minutes. This increases your Blood Pressure and reenergizes your body for the next few hours.
  2. Set of Plank- 30 to 60 seconds, 3-4 sets in the gap of 2 mints
  3. Stretching of your hands, fingers, neck, ears, tongue, eyes, face, and skin by opening your mouth wide for a few minutes.
  4. Skipping rope for 7-10 minutes, initial 5 minutes slow, 1 minute fastest, and 2 – 4 minutes slow down.
  5. Spinning – Cycling is always fun and the most effective thing for all ages and fitness levels. 10-15 minutes of workout on an Indoor Cycle Trainer or on Bicycle Rollers for a more realistic feel. Put the rollers at your favourite place of the house and ride for 10 minutes, 2 minutes easy cycling at 50 -60 RMP, and then gradually increase the rpm and last 5 minutes as your recovery ride to bring your heart rate back to Normal.

Here is a video of an architect who made his Work at Home interesting with the help of his bike and a roller.